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Windows Defender is the in-built antivirus software that protects your computers and laptops from viruses. If you are getting fake security warnings, then you can remove the Windows Defender security warning  by using the procedure mentioned below:

  • Open the web browsers in your system.
  • Click on the Settings option.
  • Now tap on the option Advance from the left panel.
  • Under the Advance tab, you need to click on the Reset and Clean Up option.
  • Select the Restore Setting to their Original Defaults link.
  • Click on the Reset Sets that will pop up on your windows.

How do I know if my Microsoft security Alert is real?

To check whether Microsoft's security alert is real or fake, you need to get through the two-step verification and account update information. You can also check the email that contains the domain. Only then is the alert real.

How do I fix Windows Defender security?

To fix Windows Defender security, you need to obey the instructions highlighted below:

  • Click on the search option and type Windows Security.
  • Tap on that option.
  • Scroll down the page, and Under the Reset tab, you need to click on the Repair link.

How do I contact the Windows Defender Security Center?

If you still need assistance with Windows Defender Security, you can contact the customer service representative. They will give you complete assistance with your queries. You need to dial 1-844-622-4430, the customer support number. Once you make a call, then follow the actions provided below:

  • After making the call, it will be transferred to the computer's automated voice.
  • It will give you the instructions. 
  • Once you follow all the steps, then the call will be routed to the customer support executive.
  • They will aid you regarding your concerns.

How do I report a phishing email to Windows Defender?

While using Windows Defender, if you encounter issues of phishing email and want to report it, then you can use the online medium. To say the phishing email, you must go through the steps included below:

  • First, open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal in your systems.
  • At the top of the homepage, you will get the option Submission. Click on that.
  • Fill out the required details in the form and press the send button.

Does Microsft charge for Windows Defender?

For the first 30 days, you can use Windows Defender without paying any charges. After one month, Microsoft will charge automatically, which will rely on the package that you have purchased. If you do not want to enrol in this program, you can stop renewing the service on the official website.

Does Windows Defender lock your computer?

Windows Defender never locks the computer. It is the pop-up, and to stop this, you need to close all the windows and restart your computer or laptop. If it does not work, then contact the customer service representative.


If you are having any problems while using Windows Defender, then use the mediums mentioned above to get rid of this. For additional help for the same, you can contact the Windows customer support agent.

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